Spravato Treatment For Depression: My Experience Part 1

Richard Bailey
6 min readMay 28, 2022

Let’s Start With Some Background Information On Me

My full story is a very long story, even the short version is a little long so please bear with me.

My depression started when I was 12 years old. At the time I didn’t know what was wrong with me only that something wasn’t right. As things continuously got worse I made 3 cries for help.

The first cry was subtle but made sense to me. I started dressing in all black all the time. Not in a gothic form of dress, just regular clothes but all black.

In my mind, the only time people wore all black was at funerals, and I was dressed in black because it represented death and how I was feeling. The sudden change was never questioned by my parents.

The second cry for help we had an in-class assignment in my English class in high school. On the assignment, I wrote a poem about death and suicide and handed the assignment in.

The next day it was returned to me, and there in red ink pen, was a note from the teacher saying that it was a great poem and I should consider entering a poem contest at the school. I threw it out on my way out the door.

My third and last cry for help was self-harm.

Late at night, I took a razor blade to my face and just started cutting. It was superficial, just enough to draw some blood but there were a lot of cuts. I went to school the next day knowing what I looked like.

I went through three-quarters of the day before a teacher pulled me aside and sent me to the office to speak with the counselor. They asked what had happened, I told them, they called my step-dad and he came and picked me up.

Not much was really done, he sent me to see a therapist where they did one of the depression tests and that’s the first time I heard about depression and was told that’s what I was suffering from.

Mental illnesses at that time weren’t something that was really talked about.

Being sixteen years old and severely dressed I didn’t continue to keep my appointments with the therapist and my step-dad didn’t check to make sure I was going.



Richard Bailey

Writing about mental health/illness and other various topics to provide valuable and useful information to readers.